By Source: Sunday Times
Click on the headlines below to see more information about each cutting. Cuttings are ordered chronologically.
- A social problem [editorial]
- Law and hypocrisy
- The obscenity laws, by R Mortimer
- Twisted sex - not a matter for law: Methodists’ vote
- HLRS advert
- Vice law change likely soon, by J Margach
- MPs asked to sponsor law reform
- Severe penalties for vice likely, by J Margach
- But for the grace of God [editorial]
- After Wolfenden, by “A Student of Politics” [At Westminster]
- Letter: After Wolfenden, by A Hallidie-Smith, HLRS
- Hitch at vice law reform
- Bow Group attack on puritanism
- The Third Sex, by D Powell
- Not before the children, by D Powell
- Montgomery Hyde sees supporters
- Letter: British film censorship, by P Baker
- [advert for HLRS]
- Criminal cause and effect, by Sir John Wolfenden
- At odds with society, by L Fairfield
- Law and morality [editorial]
- Letter: Wolfenden debate, by J W Hall
- Morality and the homosexual
- Morality and the law [book review] by Sir J Wolfenden
- Crime and punishment, by R A Butler, MP
- The Law and Morals [editorial]
- Tighter law on invitation to vice
- Daisy Nook to Delos
- The essence of Theseus
- Homosexual problems
- Restless reformer, [book review], by K Martin
- First words about sex and marriage (Mainly for parents), by Claire Rayner
- Greek to me
- ‘Glory and tragedy in waywardness of love’, 11 Quakers attack moral hypocrisy
- The two voices of the Quakers
- Three writers in the making
- ‘Glory and tragedy in waywardness of love’
- Prison hostel rules under review, by L Chester
- The fall of fighting Mac
- What the Bishop tells his children [Atticus column]
- Risks to society
- Letter: Security, by A Grey
- The case for Lord Alfred Douglas
- Ignorance and good intentions by A Storr
- Bishop on ‘odious hypocrisy’
- Labour and the law
- Shock cure for people imprisoned by phobias
- Foot in each camp, by George Melly
- [Title missing] [book review] by A Storr
- Controversial classic
- An end of innocence
- [headline partly missing]
- Doctors find ‘femaleness’ born in 900 boys a year
- Books that miss the bonfire
- Rebellion in the sixth form
- Taking the mist away from Lesbianism
- Letter: Not condoned, by Esme Langley
- The new Puritans: morality
- Humane analysis
- Checking up on Lavender Baedeker
- Revelations of an eminent Victorian, by R Mortimer JAS Ad
- Henry Brooke and the unpublished picture, by James Margach
- 'Profumo' jibes at LBJ's, by H Brandon
- A boost from the smut
- Bible printers shun Frank Harris, by Anthony Cowdy
- On to De Sade
- Quakers modify report on sex
- ‘The Naked Lunch’ sets a mystery, by A Cowdy
- Sexual Deviation, reviewed by R Higgins
- A teenager’s birth pill – and other cautionary tales [Insight column]
- Wolfenden revalued, by N St John-Stevas
- Review of Herbert Wendt’s The Sex Life of the Animals
- Ministers in a dilemma on abortion reform
- Homosexuals: three cases for reform, by Nicholas Tomalin
- Homosexuals: three cases for reform, by Nicholas Tomalin
- Letter: homosexuals and the law, by William Shepherd, MP
- Letter: debate on homosexuality, by A J Ayer, C H Rolph, Antony Grey
- Letter: vulnerable, by S Francis
- Letter: homosexuals ‘vulnerable’, by William Shepherd (response to letters in Sunday Times dated 12.12.65)
- Letter: a blackmailers’ charter’, by Antony Grey
- Jenkins prepares big law reforms, by James Margach
- Berkeley
- Letter: homosexual law reform, by Antony Grey
- Aticus: Football fellow
- Aboard a typical little merchant ship . . .
- The route to reform
- Giving honours where honour is due
- Red duster lobby blow to Abse’s bill, by James Margach
- Atticus: vicarious fun
- Where has all the goodness gone?: theatre/Harold Hobson
- Letter: Puritanism and youth, by Peter W Burton
- Letter: Puritanism and youth, by N P Philip
- To write to writing peer
- Book ‘accussed’ again
- Clean up the bible?
- Ulysses challenges the censor: cinema, Kenneth Pearson
- Conspicuous Abse, by Philip Norman
- Letter: Exploding the myth of pornography: test for books, television and press, by Maurice Girodias
- Siegfried & the new wave
- Farewell to the mudbath: Michael Moynihan in changing Harrogate
- Letter: link found, by Antony Grey
- Why wives should go to jail: prison reform, by Leo Abse
- Off the streets into the can: Peter Forster in France
- Letter: Matter of discretion, by Antony Grey
- The ancient art of banning books, by Cyril Connolly
- Top skier is now a man
- Aspects of corruption, by Julian Symons
- Two generations apart, by John Raymond
- Among the girls
- Women with a difference, by Alfred Bryne
- Alan Brien
- Obscene or simply absurd
- Jenkins: why we should be proud of permissive Britain, by Roy Jenkins
- Camp followers
- Students to defy police over VD leaflet
- . . . and hot rolls
- Atticus meets the analyst