
American Behavioral Scientist 1982, vol. 25, no. 4 (March-April). Special issue: Homosexuality.
Art and Literature: An International Review vol. 5 (Summer) 1964 [Publisher: Lausanne: Société anonyme d'éditions littéraires et artistiques]
Conjunctions 1982, no. 3
Encounter 1961, vol. 16 (5) [includes review of G. Westwood's book, A Minority, by Geoffrey Gorer].
Feminist Review 1982, no. 11 (Sexuality issue)
International Journal of Sexology (India) 1949, vol. 2, no. 4.
Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies vol. 1
Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 1995, vol. 2, no. 3
Manroot 1972, nos.6-7 (April). Poetry.
Marriage Hygiene, Second Series (India) 1948, vol. 1, no 4. (Quarterly journal of sex and sex problems)
Radical Community Medicine 1987, no. 31 (AIDS and oppression)
Radical History Review 1979, no.20 (Sexuality in history)
Salmagundi 1982-3, nos. 58-9. Homosexuality, sacrilege, vision, politics.
The Truth Seeker 1989 (July-August). Crimes of genital mutilation.
Visual Communication vol. 9, no. 2 (Spring 1983)