Northern Ireland
Click on the headlines below to see more information about each cutting. Cuttings are ordered chronologically.
- ‘Ensnared’ after visit to luxury house
- Indecency charge - Lurgan man cleared: ‘alleged statement was not true’
- Man is called cancer in Lurgan society [bad copy]
- Mr Hyde out of favour in N Belfast?
- Damaging to government - alarming to Commons
- Mr Hyde is chosen - N Belfast ballot
- Recalcitrant Tories [editorial]
- Unionists reject Mr Hyde: Belfast nomination
- TV censorship “impossible”
- No let up on ‘moral’ laws: Ulster unlikely to follow England
- Letter: homosexuals and the law, by John B McCoy
- Letter: Homosexuality, by Rev Desmond Mock
- Letter: Change the law, by reader
- Letter: Homosexuality, by J B Nabney
- Different but equal: we are all guilty in not facing this problem, by Ann Ruthven